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Birth Preparation Course in English

Weekend course in person for you and your partner

Beginnt am: 23. Aug.
Für Partner*in 120€

Freie Plätze


This weekend course is designed to prepare you and your partner for your upcoming birth. We will explore the last weeks of pregnancy, early signs of labour, as well as the different stages of labour and how to cope with these various phases. Join this course to get to know different birthing positions, exercises to relax during labour and elements of body work / massage techniques that can support you through your birth journey. Additionally we will focus on the birthing partner - what are ways to be with a birthing person. At the end of the course we will take a short dive into the first days with the newborn. Sat. & Sun. 10am - 5pm (including time for a lunch break) Fees: The cost for the pregnant person will be covered by the insurance company. The partner fee for the weekend is 120 €. Most insurance companies (partially) reimburse the partner fee as well. Details: Please transfer the partner fee of 120 € three weeks prior to the course to the following bank account: Cathleen Bär IBAN DE67 1004 0000 0193 5204 00 Commerz Bank In case of a cancellation less than 3 week prior to the class we will charge the full amount

Bevorstehende Sessions


  • Graefestraße 88, 10967 Berlin, Deutschland


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